Kashrut & the Three Table SystemShir HaMaalot’s potluck consists of three tables: vegetarian, vegan, and vegetarian with hekhsher-only ingredients made in a hekhsher-ingredient-only home. A hekhsher (rabbinic approval) is a rabbinic certification that food meets certain halakhic (Jewish Law) requirements. Shir HaMaalot does not have a position on which hekhshers are appropriate (e.g. OU, star-K, kof-K, cholov yisrael, triangle-K, etc.). Thus people who put food on the “hekhsher only” table may have differing views on which hekhshers are acceptable. Additionally, Shir HaMaalot does not ask people to define their personal self-identification of having a hekhsher-ingredient-only home. The hekhsher-only table uses disposable plates and silverware.
Please note that the vegetarian and vegan tables do not require hekhsher ingredients Ahead of each month’s service & potluck, Shir HaMaalot maintains a spreadsheet for participants to share what they plan to bring. Ahead of the service, Shir HaMaalot will print out labels identifying your contribution and any special notes. In the interest of ensuring that all in attendance can partake in and enjoy the meal, please identify if your food contains nuts or gluten. |
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